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Actually, I Will Use AI Tools

Posted on:January 1, 2024

In 2024, one of my primary goals is to reignite my passion for writing, and I’ll be sharing my work right here on this blog. My aim is to post something daily – sometimes longer pieces, other times just quick thoughts. Regardless, I hope to write and share more in the same spirit as my first post from a few months ago.

However, there’s one significant change in my approach: incorporating AI tools into my writing process. Initially, I had dismissed the idea, but after experimenting with various AI tools recently, I’ve realized what a valuable resource they can be. By leveraging these tools, it’ll be much easier for me to express my ideas and maintain consistent publishing. I believe that using AI doesn’t diminish the authenticity of my thoughts; instead, it helps bring them to life and share them with the world.

So, I’m revisiting my earlier stance on AI – not altering the original blog post, but acknowledging here that I no longer view it as off-limits. In fact, embracing AI will be crucial in achieving my goal of writing every day.

And with that said, here’s to my first post of the year! I hope the upcoming entries will be less meta and more engaging. Wishing everyone a fantastic 2024 – may it be filled with joy and success!