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An Ode to the Creator of AstroPaper

Posted on:January 11, 2024

I’d like to share my gratitude toward open source software and specifically the talented individual who created the theme for this blog, AstroPaper, which I’ve only lightly modified. This blog uses Astro, a framework for building static or content-driven websites. It’s somewhat similar to Next.js, Gatsby, or Nuxt. I found Astro quite impressive and chose it for this blog.

Astro offers a variety of free and paid themes, and AstroPaper is one of them. It has a clean, minimal aesthetic that perfectly aligns with my goal of focusing on writing and the words themselves. This simple, highly legible interface creates an enjoyable experience for readers (I hope).

The developer behind this theme is Sat Naing. Although we’ve never met, it’s evident from his work that he’s a highly skilled full-stack developer. He has generously provided extensive documentation for this theme, and it’s thanks to people like him that I can create this blog efficiently.

While expressing gratitude, I must also thank the maintainers, contributors, and creators of Astro itself – Fred K. Schott and many others. Of course, Astro, AstroPaper, and most modern software projects, are built on layers upon layers of open source software maintained by dedicated individuals. Although I don’t have time to delve into the entire dependency tree today, perhaps in the future I’ll write a more comprehensive ode to OSS. I hope to also give back more than I have to date.

It’s important to recognize that we often stand on the shoulders of giants in our endeavors. So thank you, Sat! Your work is truly remarkable, and even if you never read this, your contributions are greatly appreciated.