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My Old Blogs

Posted on:January 13, 2024

This isn’t the first time I’ve gotten into blogging.

I made my first one in college. It had one whole post, in which I was dead wrong about David Ortiz! Much to my delight, Big Papi stayed with the Red Sox and they won another World Series in 2013.

My second blog had a bit more going on and mostly documented my trip to London in 2012 where I made $27,000 in two months playing online poker, while building my first (failed) startup. I’ll have to go through all of those at some point! The timing of this was after my original stint as a poker pro, and first job as a software engineer, where I was (surprise) building poker software.

I’m somewhat amazed these are still on the Internet (kudos WordPress and Blogger/Google). I’ve gone several years at a time without even checking them. I also had an original more portfolio-esque site too, but that one is actually toast… I kinda found it on the Wayback machine. My hard work is in ruins! 😄

Anyways, clearly the blogging about poker and sports has been going on for some time! There are even posts with the same exact time I made over a decade ago.